Friday, 5 July 2019

Term Reflection

Image result for seddon shield rugby tournament
Last years tournament, one I wasn't part of
This term was so great
 We had year 7 & 8 rugby, rugby sevens , speeches and camp. 
The number 1 thing I'm looking forward to this holidays is going to Blenheim for Under 52 kg Seddon Shield Tournament. 
We travel up on Sunday and the weigh in is at 3 pm. I'm not nervous for the weigh in because I will easily pass. 
Next term I am looking forward to Prep as it's my last prep! 

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Argument No.2

This week we did another argument. This time it was on whether we should allow phones at school. This is mine.

I strongly believe that we should have phones at school. Firstly because they can be used as a second tool of research. Secondly if something happens, eg; fire or an earthquake you can get in touch with parents. Lastly you can store a lot on your phone, like your work.

Phones are an amazing secondary research tool. If you have a piece of writing you need to research about you can use your phone to bring up your facts and copy them onto your writing. Also if you haven't finished some of your learning and don’t take your chromebook home you can do it on your phone.

Your phone could save you from a fire at your school. The US government has stated that in the USA there are 4000 school building fires and around 75 people get injured every year. If you had a phone you could be saved and save a lot of other people. You could call 111 to help.

A phone can store a lot of documents. You can save your MathsBuddy PDFs and all of your Google Drive. What about all your blog posts and comments. Your phone can do a lot! And if you need to download a book to read or info you can do that with a click of a button.

I strongly believe that kids should be allowed phones at school because it can be used for research. It can save lives and lastly has loads of storage for books and information.

Tuesday, 2 July 2019


Over the past 2 weeks we have been writing arguments. We have been writing about cell phones and whether we should have one. This is mine.

I believe that everyone should have a cellphone. It is good for entertainment on rainy days and when you have a long time waiting for something. Also it is used for communication, like when you get a flat tyre on your bike. Lastly people think when you have a phone you are not social, but texting and using social media is actually being social. Here are my reasons why kids should have a cell-phone

A phone is an excellent tool for entertainment. If you are on a road trip and you have nothing to do, you can pull out your phone and play games for a quick 10 minutes, it’s better than boredom. sport games are harmless and can be used to educate your kids. Netflix and YouTube can actually educate your kids, like a book review.

Phones can be used for communication. First-aid training cooperative has stated that in the UK, 16500 people get injured every year from recreational mountain biking, 100 people die every year. The stats look like this; 2500 serious, 14000 minor. How would you like it if you couldn’t contact your parents when you crashed your mountain bike? If you have a flat tyre and you have to repair it and don’t know what to do, it is easy to download a manual to change a flat. If you didn’t have a phone you couldn’t ride your bike out because you will damage the rim.

Would you believe that 4.8 billion people have phones, 2.7 billion people have social media! If you don’t see friends often you can use texts to ask them how they are doing. Adults say people on phones aren’t social... That isn’t the case. Texting your friends is being social. Social media is safe, apps like Snapchat have report buttons so if something inappropriate happens you can report it. Most people think that you can be bullied on social media and that is the case IF you are being irresponsible with your phone.

I strongly believe that all kids over the age of 12 should have a phone because they are good for entertainment and educating your kids. Secondly they are the only help tool to get you help if you have a crash on your bike in the woods. Lastly they can be used to be social, using texts and Snapchat is social, isn’t it?